SwiftRiver Releases Plugins for Wordpress

May 30, 2010

For all you Wordpress publishers out there interested in SwiftRiver there are two official plugins we're releasing today that bring Swift to your platform of choice: WP-SiLCC and WP-Veracity.


WP-SiLCC is an auto tagging plug-in. Users who run news sites or aggregators should consider using this to add a basic level of taxonomy to all posts. WP-SiLCC also allows users to tag their own posts for sites that prefer a more folksonomic approach. WP-SiLCC uses active learning techniques to improve how it parses text over time. Download WP-SiLCC from Wordpress.org


WP-Veracity applies bayesian algorithms to your content to help surface posts based on "interestingness", influence and time-published rather than popularity alone. From SwiftRiver's perspective, popularity is only an indicator of influence, not necessarily an indicator of authority. This plug-in calculates popularity (number of hits, trackbacks, comments), a bayes score and time (older content falls off organically) to offer a better picture of the most interesting posts on your blog at any given time. Download WP-Veracity from Wordpress.org

For developers interested in creating their own plugins using Swift Web Services, visit our documentation wiki.